Saturday, January 23, 2010


OMG I can't believe I leave for Paris tomorrow. People are calling and texting me to say bye which is making me a little sad but I am so excited at the same time. I just found out there are two other girls from my program who are on my flight tomorrow night which is cool. I am almost done packing now. Here's the shoe count: one pair of wellies, boots, and flips flops, two pairs of flats, a pair of sneakers and pumas, a pair of mocs, and a pair of uggs. That makes 8 pairs of shoes? That's excellent for me(Krista and Jules remember memorial day '07?!). I managed to get my mom to let me bring two suitcases instead of just one. No way I could put my entire life into one suitcase for 4 months!

I'll try to update the blog as much as possible. Au revoir!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe it's time!!! Okay so a few things- A. bring cute french boys back with you, B. keep in touch via e-mail or BBM!, C. Ridiculous! I should've expected you to take 2 suitcases & 8 pairs of shoes! Finally, D. SO jealous & so happy you finally get to study aboard in the city of lights!!
