Sunday, January 31, 2010


I'm really bad at updating this thing! Well the rest of the week/weekend was great. Yesterday, in the morning, it snowed a little. Later in the day, I went to Chinatown and went shopping on Rue Rivoli which has stores like BHV (huge department store), Mango, Zara, and H&M. Then last night I went out to dinner near the Ecole Militaire and Champs de Mars. It was really good and really cheap! Today I spent the afternoon at the Louvre. I saw the Monna Lisa and Venus de Milo, as well as pratically every french painting, egyptian artifact, and greek sculpture. On my way home I walked through the Parc Mountsouris that is right across from the apartment. It was a beautiful day so there were lots of joggers and families playing in the park. There is also a Crepe stand that sells crepes, hot drinks, and other delicious foods (I got the hot chocolate). It is so cold here, not what I was expecting as far as weather! I also found out that right down the street there are bakeries, markets, and fruit stands which is super convenient and much better than having to trek over to the supermarket via Metro. Well classes begin tomorrow at 930am (the earliest I have ever had a college class to date) and I am super excited. It will be nice to finally get into a routine and it will fill up my days for sure. Until next revoir!


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