Monday, February 1, 2010

First day of class :)

Classes began today! However, I officially hate 930am classes. How did I get away with never having a class before 11am in college? Well now I have 930am class two days a week. Today I had International Marketing and French. I walked in International Marketing and the professor began speaking to us all in french. Everyone looked at each other because we all thought the class was going to be taught in english. I could understand what he was saying but there was no way I could sit through a 2.5 hour class every Monday at 930am listening to someone talk in my non-native language. The Professor was saying we would never be able to understand him in english because of his heavy accent, which he proved to us by speaking english for a bit. He then went on to say something to the effect "if you think this accent is strong, then you will never be able to understand my Boston accent", which he immediately began to use. We were all so incredibly relieved to realize he was American! Other than that, the class was uneventful but interesting. After my class ended, I had a 4.5 hour break (happens on Weds. too!). Another girl has the same long break as I so we went to get lunch at a pasta place which was delicious. I also headed back to BHV (the big department store that is a combination of Macy's, Home Depot, Staples, and Michaels). I finally bought a blow dryer and straightener! I needed them so much. French was ok, I'm a bit rusty so I need to practice a lot but that shouldn't be a problem, as I am in the country where the language was conceived! Tonight I bought a croque monsieur (delicious!) from the boulangerie down the street from me. Tomorrow I only have one class and it isn't until 230pm so I will definitely be sleeping in :)

A demain :)


1 comment:

  1. Hahaha. The Boston accent thing gets me. That's a riot. I'm glad to hear all is well and that you have a big department store full of usefulness to make up for the fact that most of your electronics don't function in Europe! Haha.
