Saturday, February 6, 2010

Mystery Tour

Bonjour tout le monde! Very exciting and busy week! Today I went on a "mystery tour" my program had organized for us. It was so cool. We were given a time (720am) and place (Gare Saint Lazare) to be and we weren't given any other information. When we all got
to the train station, our chaperones told us we would be going to
Fécamp and Étretat, seaside towns in Upper Normandy. The train was a little less than 2 hours long, I slept the entire way there since I only got a few hours of sleep last night. When we got there, we were free to explore the village for a few hours before continuing on to Étretat. Fécamp was beautiful. As you can see from the picture to the right, there are steep cliffs that drop off into the sea, which is a beautiful clear, blue-green color. The beach is made up of large pebbles, which makes it slightly difficult to walk in. The scenery was just breathtaking, and after two weeks i
n the city, I think we all needed to get out of Paris and see some green grass and breathe in some clean, crisp air. The town of Fécamp was cute; there was a traditional French open air market and lots of creperies and brasseries. My friend, Kathryn, and I ate at a nice brasserie, we both had delicious omelettes, which may seem odd to Americans, but having an omelette as lunch is very common.
Around 2pm we headed over to Étretat, another seaside village with the most breathtaking cliffs, similar to the cliffs of Moher that I saw in Ireland. The walk up to the top of the cliffs was quite steep and I am a little scared of heights so I opted to walk around the village instead. There were plenty of creperies here as well. I indulged in a delicious nutella crepe, which is my favorite. It is heaven!
By 4pm we were on our way back to the train station and enjoyed a 2 hour train ride through the French countryside back to Paris. I am exhausted to say the least, but thoroughly enjoyed myself. It was better than I expected!

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