Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Not neglectful, just busy!

YES I know I have been neglecting my blog...but obviously it means I am having a wonderful time here in the City of Light, right? :) Well since I last blogged (13 days ago), I spent February 14th, also known as Valentine's Day, drinking champagne with my friends at the Eiffel Tower, toasting to our single status :) We all hoped to see at least one or two proposals there, which was a complete fail. I did see a couple fighting though! One would think that at the most romantic spot in the most romantic city in the world, one would be able to see a few marriage proposals. Oh well!
Last week was just filled with tons of time spent at school...nothing much to report on otherwise. Friday, after a makeup International Marketing class, my friend Sam and I went to the Arc de Triomphe. I had never been there before and it was so beautiful! I also walked over to the Eiffel Tower, Les Invalides, and Napolean's tomb. We then went to Notre Dame and walked around inside. No matter how many times you see these famous landmarks of Paris, it never gets old. You find something new and different every single time.
Saturday I went to Chantilly Castle (yes, like the lace or creme). It was wonderful
to escape the city for the day and see the lush greenery and breathe in the pure, non-polluted air that we are accustomed to in Paris. The castle was beautiful as were its gardens. The town of Chantilly is a quaint little town with small shops and cafes. We ended up going to the same restaurant as many other people who were on the trip with us. The restaurant was authentic italian and it sure did remind me of Italy. It really made me excited to go back to Pisa/Cinqueterre for spring break. There were also huge horse stables at Chantilly. We got to see a horse show and then pet the horses--so cool!
Sunday was just a relaxing day to sleep in and do homework. I did not expect that I would have so much to do! So far this week it has been uneventful, but I am going to Strasbourg, France this weekend, which will be my first official trip! For those of you unfamiliar with Strasbourg, it lies on the German-French border, so the architecture, food, culture, ect. has a very French/German mix, or so I have been told. Can't wait to report back on my trip!
I'll be sure to post on Monday when I am back :)
A lunedi!


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